SprayFoam Convention & Expo Breakout Session Presentations
The SprayFoam 2025 breakout session presentations are now available! Dive into the latest industry insights, innovative techniques, and expert presentations from this year’s conference. Whether you missed a session or want to revisit key takeaways, you can now access the presentation materials to stay ahead in the spray foam industry. Download them today!
1A Risk Reduction: How to Stay Out of Court and In Business - Elizabeth Lalli-Reese, Huntsman
2A How Do You Build A Multi Division Company Specializing in Everything from Insulation, Roofing, Thermal Sprays, and Concrete Lifting - Curt Janzen, Beyond Group
3A Financial Management for SPF Contractors - Robert Naini, Spray Foam Advisor, LLC
4A Estimating and Bidding SPF Projects - Robert Naini, Spray Foam Advisor, LLC
5A How to Deal with Problematic Employees - Bob Weil, Law Offices of Robert J. Weil, PLLC
1B Unlocking Potential: The Strategic Benefits of Profit Sharing in the Modern Workplace - Candace Lord, The Green Cocoon, LLC
2B Don't Sub Out High Margin Work, Vacuums & Blowing Machines Make Money Too - Ken Allison, IDI Distributors, Inc.
3B Boosting Efficiency: Leveraging AI for Success in Spray Foam Contracting - Alan Annis, Quadrant Performance Materials
4B SPF MBA - Essentials for Business Success - Andrew Whelan, Quadrant Performance Materials
5B Accelerating SPF Market Growth in Colder Climate Zones - Kevin Wiacek, No-Burn, Inc.
1C Validating Your SPF Applications - Justin Strombeck, Akurate Dynamics, & Wayne Davison, North Country Spray Foam
2C Yield Precision: Mastering Spray Foam Yield Calculations - Cole Fletcher, Quadrant Performance Materials
3C Spray Foam Chemistry: How it Has Changed Over the Years & How Does it Impact Foam Processing and Quality - Mary Bogdan, Honeywell International, Inc. & Rick Duncan, SPFA Technical Director
4C Multimeter Testing and Training for the SPF Installer - Tim Newmeyer, Polyurethane Machinery Corporation, & Jeremy Edwards, Chemline
5C Do It Right or Get Out - Joel Keddle, SPI
1D Spray Foam Safety and Quality - Chris King, Anchor Insulation Company Inc./Installed Building Products
2D Shrinkage and Delamination - Things You Need to Know - Tom Harris, Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC
3D Coatings for Fire Protection, Vapor Retarder & Air Barrier - Jim Toth, No-Burn, Inc.
4D IRA Session - Craig Brightup, The Brightup Group
5D Exotherm - A Hot Topic - Tom Harris, Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC
1E Marketing Essentials for Spray Foam Contractors: Traditional, Digital, and Beyond - Corrine Tam, Elastochem
2E Fun Foam Fact & Fiction - Gary Harvey, Wedge Roofing, Inc.
3E SPF Information: Trust but Verify - Tom Harris, Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC
4E Air Barriers are Really Simple, Right? Then Why all the Confusion? - Laverne Dalgleish, Building Professionals
5E Building Success from Within: The Critical Importance of Company Culture - Candace Lord, The Green Cocoon, LLC
1F Energy Star 3.2 - Turning the Tide from Batt to Spray Foam Insulation - Stephen Davis, Quadrant Performance Materials
2F Step Up Your Knowledge on Carbon Footprint of Building Enclosures - Rocky Boyer, Elastochem, & Mary Bogdan, Honeywell
3F Beyond High Pressure Spray Foam - How Once and Two Component Low Pressure Spray Foams Can Enhance Productivity - Dan Schroer, Dupont
4F High-Lift Foam Performance and Installation Part I - Rick Duncan, SPFA Technical Director, & Mary Bogdan, Honeywell International, Inc. (check back for updated PDF)
5F High-Lift Foam Performance and Installation Part II - Rick Duncan, SPFA Technical Director, & Mary Bogdan, Honeywell International, Inc. (check back for updated PDF)
1G Latest Regulatory Update on Fluorocarbon Blowing Agents - Mary Bogdan, Honeywell International, Inc.
2G The Future of Spray Foam Advocacy - Stephen Wieroniey, Spray Foam Coalition
3G Closed Cell for Commercial Design - Keith Grzybowski, Huntsman
4G Enhancing Party Wall Performance with Spray Foam Insulation - Keith Grzybowski, Huntsman
5G What to Expect from the New Administration and Congress - Craig Brightup, The Brightup Group, LLC
1H Win More Roof Work with Energy Modeling - Tom Harris, Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC
2H Deep Soil Injection Using Polyurethane Foam - Pat Burchett, NCFI Polyurethanes
3H CoatingsCoffeeShop - Heidi Ellsworth, The Coffee Shops, Luke Nolan, Central Coatings Company, Gary Harvey, Wedge Roofing, Anthony Flett, US Coating Specialists, Bob Gasca, Gasca Construction and Spray Foam Installation
4H Do It Right, Do It Once - Gary Harvey, Wedge Roofing
5H PCP Update - Bonnie Strickler, Puff, Inc.
1I Manejo Efectivo y Mantenimiento del Equipo - Abel Sauceda, Creative Polymer Solutions, LLC
2I Fundamentos de la Aplicacion de Espuma en Spray - Abel Sauceda, Creative Polymer Solutions, LLC
3I Procesamiento con Condiciones Ambientales - Abel Sauceda, Creative Polymer Solutions, LLC
4I Protocolos de Seguridad y Equipo de Proteccion Personal - Abel Sauceda, Creative Polymer Solutions, LLC
5I Comprension de los Materiales de Espuma en Spray - Abel Sauceda, Creative Polymer Solutions, LLC